Saturday, January 15, 2011

Diet I crazy for doing this?

I decided it was time to reclaim my jeans.

I don't mind feeling a little hungry. I don't mind keeping my meals simple. I don't even mind eating healthy food.

The hardest thing for me about eating "the right things" is when something DELICIOUS is in front of my face. Examples this month have been:
1. Curt & Jake's Yummy Christmas Casserole - French toast casserole with cheesy eggy goodness inside. (Relief Society Activity)
2. My mom's lasagna.(Gia, Elliott & Katie were in town so Mom cooked.)
3. Desserts from an awesome french bakery. (Thank you gift from a kind friend.)
4. Chocolate Muffins from Costco (Left over from Aaron's work.)

Those are just SOME of the temptations I have faced. But I found a solution for dealing with it. I freeze the food I want to eat. I don't get it now, but I will later (maybe, if I want it). So far this strategy is working out pretty well and the food is filling up my freezer and not my pants.

Food for thought.