Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Happy Pappy Day * 60 is good!

Ode to my Dad on his 60th birthday...
There was really no way he could refuse our request. It was, after all, his only daughter and three dearest grandchildren with eyelashes batting and sweet voices calling, "Come on Pappy, JUMP!"

True to his character and zest for life he passed the threshold between the soft cushion of the grass and the squeaking and unsteady bars of the trampoline.

It was intense and quick, but never have the kids (or Pappy for that matter) had such big smiles while vaulting into the air.

However, in an effort to avoid crushing his granddaughter, Pappy sacrificed himself, his leather jacket, and his newly washed jeans landing hard on the grass to the side of the trampoline.

It wasn't until right now I realize this is the first time our newly sunken trampoline has served it's protective purpose. (Just ignore the new and rehabilitating sod - we are hoping to pump life back into it over the next couple weeks.) I digress.

After the adventure on the trampoline, we headed over to the park near our house and enjoyed some lemon cake and ice cream, and 1st grade soccer practice. What a way to ring in a 60th birthday!

Happy Birthday Pappy! We love you!


Katie Riggs Hansen said...

Happy Pappy!

Ashley C. said...

Happy birthday Pappy! We love you too!